3 Ways to Improve Productivity and Overcome Self-Sabotage

3 Ways to Improve Productivity and Overcome Self-Sabotage
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3 Ways to Improve Productivity and Overcome Self-Sabotage

November 15, 2022

Overwhelmed and unable to get things done? You may be self-sabotaging without knowing it. Self-sabotage correlates with self-preservation because it gives yourself an external element with which to lay blame. But in the long term, this may deter your productivity.

This new year, pump up your motivation and get your productivity skyrocketing. Identify how you are self-sabotaging so you can overcome.

3 Ways to Self-Sabotage Without Knowing It

1. Negative Self-Talk

Instead of engaging yourself with negative self-talk, choose an upbeat attitude. You become more optimistic in your outlook which is less stress-producing. In a study, pessimist people’s risk of early death is 19% higher than that of optimists.

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We often don’t recognise it when we’re doing negative self-talk. What happens is it becomes the soundtrack of our subconscious thoughts.

Author Deborah Coty advises not to settle for defeat. You can open the door for exciting opportunities with a few minor changes in your attitude.

2. Self-Inflicted Competition

Comparing yourself with everyone else fosters more negativity. The fact is people have different skill sets. Hence, there will always be someone better than you at a specific skill.

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One way to avoid this is to document your own highs and lows. With this, you’ll identify techniques that make you most productive, and feel better about your own limitations. Rather than looking at someone else’s wins and losses.

3. Hopeless Internalisation

Signals transmitted to our brain provoke similar physical and mental changes. So when you have hopeless thoughts, it elicits real emotional responses.

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Words are powerful. That's why they have the ability to change our perception of our own abilities because of what we tell ourselves. Hence, choose your words, instead of hopeless chatter, internalise optimistic thoughts.

Add more doses of optimism this 2021! You’ll be surprised how much difference it can make. It will help you overcome sabotaging your confidence, self-perception, and productivity.

If you need professional services to ensure your home is conducive to boost your productivity, you can sign up at ServiceBack.com and save up to 10% cashback for every booking.

Planning to enliven your space? Here are effective ways to transform your home this new year. If you need a new splash of colours or looking for paint colour inspirations, perhaps this Pantone 2021 is for you.

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