Why General Servicing for Office Aircons is Necessary

Why General Servicing for Office Aircons is Necessary
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Why General Servicing for Office Aircons is Necessary

November 16, 2022

Many workplaces have air conditioning systems installed in the office. With so many employees in the office, it is easier to regulate the overall office temperature using air conditioning systems. However, if your office does not service its aircon units frequently, there is a higher chance that these units will break down and require repairing. Furthermore, it is more expensive to repair air conditioning units in offices than in homes. So, read on to find out more about how offices can save money just from doing frequent general maintenance for air conditioning units!

Unsure of what specific services general servicing consists of? Check out this article to see how these services can help extend your air conditioning system’s lifespan as well as get the best deals for each general air conditioning service!

Why Regular Aircon Servicing is Important For Offices

1. Reduce Sickness

Regular maintenance of the air conditioning units in the office can decrease the chances of employees falling sick.

Air filters in air conditioning units can filter out bacteria, allergens, dust, and dirt. During general servicing, technicians will clean the air filters in the air conditioning units. This removes the accumulated dirt and dust on the filter, hence these contaminants will not be blown back out of the unit and circulate in the office. A clean air filter can also cleanse the air more effectively/efficiently because it can trap even more particles compared to a dirty one!

Amidst the COVID-19 pandemic, an air conditioner has become more essential. As we cannot afford to fall sick, we have a greater need to purify the air we breathe, especially as the disease is air-borne. Newer air conditioner systems with good filters can help to reduce the chances of contracting the disease. This is especially important as the Singapore government recently announced that up to 75% of employees are allowed to return to the office starting April 5. This means that employers must take even greater care to ensure that employees are healthy, and that also includes regularly servicing the air conditioning units in the office.

2. Increase Productivity

Isn’t it amazing how air conditioning systems can increase one’s productivity? Studies have shown that people are most productive at 22 degrees Celsius. This means that a well-functioning air conditioning system in the workplace can encourage employees to be more motivated to complete tasks. Besides, no one likes to be working in a warm and stuffy environment. This can dampen productivity and decrease work efficiency.

However, do make sure that the temperature is not too cold! If the temperature is too low, employees may find it difficult to concentrate and they become less productive at work as a result. As such, it is important to maintain an optimal temperature in the workplace with air conditioning systems.

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3. Save on Electrical Bills

Did you know that general air conditioning servicing allows for more efficient energy consumption? When the air filters are cleaned and blockages in the pipes are cleared, the unit requires a lesser amount of refrigerant and energy to cool the surrounding air. Overall, this unit will be more energy-efficient than a dirty air conditioner. This leads to more savings on electricity bills! With the number of air conditioning units in the office ranging from one to hundreds (depending on the size of the company and workplace), electrical bills can add up! To save wherever possible, we recommend that your office engages general servicing for your air conditioning units.

4. Save on Unnecessary Fees

Engaging in general servicing for air conditioning units can help you save on unnecessary costs. By detecting problems early, you can prevent complications and avoid paying costly repair fees. This is especially important for offices as these places have a lot of air conditioning units, so it is likely that you will rack up unnecessarily massive costs because of air conditioning unit problems.

Furthermore, servicing the office air conditioning systems regularly can help to extend the system’s lifespan and reduce the chances of the system breaking down. As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure!

How to Tell When Aircons Require Servicing

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1. When it has been at least three months since the last servicing

It is recommended that air conditioning units should be serviced once every three months, especially for units that are frequently in use. For offices, the air conditioning units are turned on almost every day and for long periods. Hence, it is no wonder that these office units should undergo general servicing every three months.

Can’t remember the last time your office did servicing/maintenance for air conditioner units? Chances are, the air conditioners in the office require general servicing.

2. When there are problems with the aircon

Are the air conditioners in the office facing any of the following problems?

  • The unit is leaking water
  • The air coming from the unit is not cold
  • Weird sounds are coming from the unit
  • Unusual smells are coming from the unit

If yes, your office’s air conditioning units are in dire need of general servicing and/or repair. In any of these cases, you should immediately get in touch with a technician to come down to assess the problem. If you delay getting the unit serviced and/or repaired, you may face even greater inconvenience and problems with the unit in the future. This would also mean more expensive repair costs that could have been avoided if you were to service and/or repair the air conditioning unit earlier.

Looking for reliable technicians to service your office’s aircon units? Engage ServiceBack.com today and get cashback on all home services! Simply WhatsApp us at 8261 5047 or call us at 6694 5071 to learn more.

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