How Can Businesses Save On Energy in the Workplace?

How Can Businesses Save On Energy in the Workplace?
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How Can Businesses Save On Energy in the Workplace?

November 16, 2022

Financing a business is no easy feat - consisting of a whole slew of operational costs like rent and labour. Luckily, there are some variable costs that you are in control of, like utility bills. Here are some proven tips to help you save on energy-related costs in your office!

Cost-Saving Aircon Tips

1. Regular Aircon Servicing

The aircon is not an indestructible force - keeping the aircon in your office on for eight or nine hours every day is bound to wear it down. Dirt and dust will accumulate on the filters of the aircon and this will impact its efficiency over time. As a result, you may realise that the temperature that is usually set in your office won’t feel as cold as it previously did. Although this may not sound like an issue to fret about, having to set the temperature in your office to a much lower temperature will impact the finances of your office negatively in the long run as higher energy consumption will result in higher utility bills for your office. What will aircon servicing cover? While the scope of the service might vary from company to company, general servicing generally covers the checking, vacuuming, and cleaning of the air filter, blower wheels, blade, and indoor drainage pipe. On top of that, the drainage pipe of the aircon and drainage tray will be vacuumed and flushed respectively. Experts recommend servicing the aircon in your office once every three months to ensure that the aircon is operating at optimal efficiency.

Besides helping your office to save on utility bills in the long run, benefits of servicing the aircons in your office regularly include:

  1. Saving on repair costs: regular maintenance drastically reduces the chance of the aircons in your office breaking down as expert technicians can identify and correct problems before they worsen the condition of your aircon.
  2. Having healthier air in your office: servicing the aircons in your office regularly will help to prevent health conditions like asthma or eczema from worsening as having a clean aircon system will ensure that only clean air is circulated in the workplace.

2. Install Energy-Efficient Aircons

Aircons with more ticks are more energy-efficient, with an aircon having five ticks being the most energy-efficient. Although they may be more expensive than models with lesser ticks, they consume less energy per usage and hence have the lowest life cycle cost (total cost of your aircon, including its maintenance cost over its total lifespan). Thus you can expect higher energy savings with the higher energy efficiency of a 5-tick aircon.

If you are looking to install a new aircon in your office, we have compiled the best aircon brands to install in 2021.

3. Switch Off The Aircon When Not In Use

Switching the aircon off when it is not being used sounds like a no-brainer, but little things add up - keeping the aircon in your office on when no one is in the office will result in a lot of wasted energy.

Besides switching off the aircon when no one is in the office, a good habit to have is keeping doors to rooms that are unoccupied closed to prevent energy wastage.

4. Keep Your Aircon At the Optimal Temperature and Fan Settings

For many businesses, keeping the temperature so low that the office feels like a freezer is a common occurrence. Increasing the temperature by a few degrees will definitely help your office to save on monthly utility bills! Another useful tip that will help you maximise your cost savings if your co-workers prefer the temperature of the office to be below 25°C is to keep your fan mode on AUTO.

Cost-Saving Electricity Tips

1. Install Energy-Efficient Lights

Start phasing out energy-inefficient fluorescent lamps and replace them with energy-efficient LED lamps. These LED lamps have diodes that allow electricity to flow in a single direction, efficiently converting most of the electric current into light energy - with only a small amount being converted into wasted thermal energy.

Besides installing energy-efficient lights, you can install energy-efficient appliances like fridges and air conditioners. Choose units with more ticks!

2. Switch off The Lights When Not In Use

Sounds too simple to be a tip, but make it a habit to turn off the lights when they are not necessary. Usually, the lights in the bathrooms, pantry and sometimes meeting rooms remain on even though they are not being used. If possible, try to take advantage of the natural light by allowing it into your office instead of using the lights.

3. Eliminate Phantom Energy In the Office

Make it part of your office’s culture to switch off the electrical supply to office equipment like computers, laptops, and printers when they are not in use. Especially since most of this office equipment will be left plugged in overnight, ensuring that the electrical supply is cut off during long periods of un-use is a sure-fire way to cut down on electrical bills.

One useful tip that will help to eliminate phantom energy is connecting your office equipment to power strips so that you can easily disconnect the equipment from the power supply.

Are you looking to revamp your office? Here are some ways to give your office a makeover to inspire productivity! With affordable aircon installations, office cleaning, and disinfection services, will cover all your renovation needs! WhatsApp 8261 5047 to book an appointment!

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