3 Makeover Inspirations for a Modern Workplace

3 Makeover Inspirations for a Modern Workplace
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3 Makeover Inspirations for a Modern Workplace

November 16, 2022

For the uninitiated, having a resimercial design in the modern workplace has been all the rage in recent years. Resimercial, which is the combination of the words “residential” and “commercial”, incorporates aspects of home into the contemporary workplace.

The atmosphere of resimercial offices is relaxing and homely, characterized by natural lighting, comfortable sofas, furry rugs and standing lamps. As employees become more stressed from the pressure of being expected to dedicate their lives to work, companies have adapted by creating a space where employees feel at home.

This may sound like some design strategy from a big company, but smaller companies and startups have already adopted a resimercial workplace to inspire creativity and productivity, as well as boost employee retention rates! Here are some makeover tips for your resimercial workplace.

Interior Design Inspirations for Your Resimercial Office in 2021

1. Neutral Wall Colours for Your Communal Workspace


The minimalist style has been very popular among homeowners for its cozy and warm vibes - so why not bring this style into your office too! Include light-wood furnishings to your workplace, like wooden planks on your ceiling or Scandinavian tables! You can also install vinyl wood planks or anchor text to complete the look!

Add some live plants like terrariums or hanging plants to bring more colour and life to your office. Nature has always been an important element in the workplace. Being close to nature statifys the human nature that seeks connection with other forms of life. Besides the aesthetic aspect of natural elements, research has shown that biophilic design - which is a design that incorporates nature-related elements into spaces - improves creativity and productivity!

2. Dark-Toned Woods for Your Shared Social Space


For a sense of warmth and familiarity, choose dark-toned wood furnishings against a white or neutral-toned wall colour. Besides the sophisticated vibe that dark-toned woods give off against plain walls, dark-toned woods are decorations that can easily be incorporated into any space cohesively.

Opt for sofas with fabric textures and throw pillows with a warm-toned pillow casing to bring friendliness into your shared social space that will make your employees feel welcome every time they step into the space for a coffee or a chat!

3. Grey-Toned Wall Colours For Your Meeting Room


Of course, recognizing that there are spaces in the office that are designated for different activities and renovating these spaces to fit the activity is important too. While employees get the feeling of comfort from the communal workspace, make sure that there are spaces meant for intense and serious discussions.

These spaces should not be distracting to derive the best concentration from your employees. Opt for grey-toned wall colours for a professional look that will influence your employees to switch on their ‘business mode’. Grey represents neutrality and intellect and can inspire wisdom and even better decision making abilities! If you love keeping up to date with the Pantone colours of the year, this year’s Ultimate Grey will definitely be a great choice to incorporate into your meeting room!

Let ServiceBack help you give your office a resimercial makeover that will motivate your employees! With affordable flooring installations, painting and renoation services, we will cover all your office renovation needs!

Call 6694 5071 and find out how you can get $500 credits for your office services!

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